About Program the World

Welcome to Program the World!

In February 2013 I began to learn how to write Python code by watching the lecture videos from MIT’s Introduction to Computer Science course, freely available on EdX and OCW platforms. Quickly I became aware of the potential to use Python in my work as a researcher for Innovations for Poverty Action. I quickly developed some very useful tools which we use to this day.

This site is intended for people who are not natural programmers (my background is law), but who are exploring the possibilities. The focus will be on teaching the python basics as well as pandas/numpy and eventually ScipPy for data management, munging and analysis. I will make extensive use of the IPython notebook in order to do this.

I will make all code examples freely available.

I am not a scientist, so I approach things like a non-scientist, and I try not assume any prior knowledge except where explicitly stated.

USING THIS SITE: My wordpress skills are not good, so this site may be hard to navigate. You have three options

  1. Use the “Categories” drop down menu at the bottom of the Home Page to access materials relating to those categories.
  2. Use the tabs in the Header (identical to the categories). This will navigate you to a static page which gives some brief information about the topics as well as links to the posts themselves.
  3. Navigate to the ‘Latest Posts’ tabs so see latest posts in the order they were created

If you would like to contribute, then please get in touch. Also please reach out if you have comments/corrections.